Mozilla Firefox 4
This browser was awesome for a week from release and i was flying around they have the plugins running separetly to take care of memory issue..They have clearly mentioned saying help us test the beta, they play it safe as usually... Check the eye and mind catching features they offer...
They got lot of customization...blah blah
After a week, i would call this version to be nothing compared to previous one...It is just a hype...
Lets see how manyu bugs they can find in short time...
This browser was awesome for a week from release and i was flying around they have the plugins running separetly to take care of memory issue..They have clearly mentioned saying help us test the beta, they play it safe as usually... Check the eye and mind catching features they offer...
They got lot of customization...blah blah
After a week, i would call this version to be nothing compared to previous one...It is just a hype...
Lets see how manyu bugs they can find in short time...
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